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Advanced Kidney Transplant Treatment Hospital in Hyderabad

Surgical procedures for kidney transplants

Given our vast experience with kidney dialysis and transplants, we ensure that our kidney transplant procedures are smooth and seamless. Kidney transplants are performed by open surgeries, minimally invasive procedures such as:

Conventional open kidney transplant: The surgeons operate on the donor and recipient under general anesthesia to first remove the kidney from the donor and then place it into the abdomen of the recipient. Once the surgery is complete, the incisions are closed and patient moved to recovery.

Minimally invasive kidney transplant: Minimally invasive living donor nephrectomy, minimally invasive video-assisted (MIVAKT), minimal-access kidney transplantation (MAKT), and minimal skin incision (MSI) techniques are used to remove donor kidney. Though there are several MI procedures, kidney transplant recipients are still operated through conventional incisions using Gibson incision (GIBI) or hockey-stick incisions (HSI).

Laparoscopic kidney transplant: Laparoscopy another minimally invasive technique usually used to remove the donor kidney in a process called as laparoscopic nephrectomy. The method offers less pain, less noticeable scar and shorter recovery time for the donor. Laparoscopic kidney transplantation (LKT) following transvaginal or abdominal insertion of the kidney is a novel option.

Robotic kidney transplant (RAKT): Robot Assisted Kidney Transplantation is a minimally invasive technique that uses a robotic support to perform the KT. Compared to conventional open kidney transplant surgery, a much smaller incision (about 7cm) is made in RAKT to remove the diseased kidney and insert the donor kidney into the abdomen., and then to stitch the blood vessels and the ureter. Another four or five small (0.5 to 1cm) incisions are used to insert the instruments into the abdomen.

Robotic Kidney Transplant Surgery in Hyderabad

Facilities & Technology

Dedicated twin Operation Theatre (OT) with Laminar Air-flow specially designed for Organ Transplant, isolated and specially designed areas with all facilities for strict aseptic precautions for post-transplant recovery.

  • Multi-disciplinary transplant team comprising skilled and experienced team of Nephrologists, Urologists and Anaesthetists working in coordination to offer quality care, expert medical and paramedical assistance.

Services offered include:

  • Management of Live Kidney transplant
  • Management of complications in post-transplant patients
  • Percutaneous nephrolithotomy
  • Laparoscopic Nephrectomy

Advanced Kidney Transplant Hospital in Hyderabad

State-of-the-art Kidney Transplant Unit

  • Multi-disciplinary transplant team comprising skilled and experienced team of Nephrologists, Urologists and Anaesthetists working in coordination to offer quality care
  • Expert medical and paramedical assistance (Transplantations are carried out with complete documentation and interrogation of both the recipient and donor to maintain transparency and accuracy.)
  • Well-equipped dialysis unit open 24 hours with the most advanced dialysis machines for haemodialysis, Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD), Continuous Veno Venous Haemodialysis, Continuous Veno Venous Haemo dia Filtration and Renal Biopsy.
  • Highly specialized water treatment plant with the best quality water for effective dialysis
  • Haemodialysis unit equipped with efficient cardiac monitoring, central oxygen supply and other emergency treatment facilities for critically ill patients
  • Haemodialysis in critical care units for patients on ventilators and other critically ill patients. A social worker to counsel the patient and other multi-disciplinary support staff including a dietician, pharmacist and physiotherapist are constantly available. For Outpatient care, weekly pre and postoperative kidney transplant patient clinics are held for managing the patient before planning for transplant. 

Patient Testimonials For Kidney Transplant


Hamda Hassan Mahdi
Hamda Hassan Mahdi
November 10, 2022

End-stage kidney disease occurs when the kidneys lose approximately 90% of their ability to function normally, resulting in the

Mrs. Khin Cho
Mrs. Khin Cho
October 26, 2019

The great support system at Yashoda Hospitals really helped me while being treated. I have completely recovered now thanks

Mr. Bekhzod Latipov
Mr. Bekhzod Latipov
October 20, 2018

Renal transplant with bilateral ureteronephrectomy done successfully by best kidney transplant surgeon and urologist in India Dr. Sananda Bag

Health Blogs for Kidney

Nephrotic Syndrome: What Is It and How Can It Be Managed?
Feb 19, 2025 05:57

Nephrotic syndrome is a group of symptoms and signs that point to kidney damage. The kidneys act as filters, removing waste and excess fluids from the blood. Injury to the kidneys leads to the escape of protein into urine, causing a chain reaction of other complications.

కిడ్నీ వ్యాధి రకాలు, లక్షణాలు మరియు ముఖ్యమైన అంశాల గురించి వివరణ
Jan 08, 2025 15:58

శరీరంలో ముఖ్యమైన అవయవాల్లో కిడ్నీలు (మూత్రపిండాలు) ప్రధానమైనవి. ఇవి సక్రమంగా పనిచేస్తే శరీర అవయవాలు కూడా చక్కగా పనిచేస్తాయి. కిడ్నీలకు ఏ చిన్న సమస్య వచ్చినా శరీరమంతా మలినమైపోతుంది.

Kidney Stone Treatment: Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy
Sep 19, 2024 16:51

Extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy (ESWL) is a revolutionary, non-invasive procedure used in kidney stone treatment.

What is Diabetic Nephropathy?
Apr 10, 2023 12:31

Diabetic nephropathy is a significant health concern that affects millions of people worldwide, especially those with type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Dialysis vs. Kidney Transplant
Feb 20, 2023 12:16

Dialysis or kidney transplant? Which one is better? Choosing between dialysis and a kidney transplant can be a difficult

Everything You Need To Know About Acute Kidney Injury
Jan 04, 2023 11:31

Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a serious condition that can lead to long-term kidney damage and even death.

Is Kidney Replacement Therapy Required for Everyone with Kidney Disease?
Jan 02, 2023 11:24

Kidney failure is the fifth and final stage of chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is also known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or end-stage kidney disease (ESKD).

కిడ్నీలో స్టోన్స్‌ రావడానికి కారణాలు, లక్షణాలు, అపోహలు & వాస్తవాలు
Oct 31, 2022 11:22

ప్రస్తుత ఆధునిక ప్రపంచంలో కిడ్నీలో రాళ్లు అతి సాధారణమైన సమస్యగా మారుతుంది. ప్రపంచ జనాభాలో 10 నుంచి 15 శాతం

బరువు తగ్గించే ఆహారాలు మూత్రపిండాల పనితీరును దెబ్బతీస్తాయా ?
Oct 17, 2022 11:58

దీర్ఘకాలిక కిడ్నీ వ్యాధులు ఉన్న వారు ఎక్కువ కాలం పాటు కార్బోహైడ్రేట్ నియంత్రణతో కూడిన ఎక్కువ-ప్రోటీన్ ఆహారం తీసుకోవడం వల్ల అవి మూత్రపిండాల పనితీరుపై మరింత నష్టాన్ని కలిగిస్తాయి.

Do weight losing diets harm the functionality of the kidneys?
May 12, 2022 17:07

High-protein diet with carbohydrate restriction for a longer period is not advised for people with chronic kidney disease because they may cause further kidney damage.